National Farmers' Federation

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Found 38 Results
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NFF Competition Policy

The NFF regards competition within the marketplace as a major driver of industry innovation, investment and international competitiveness. It is critical that competition laws are effective at maintaining and improving competition across the agricultural supply chain. Australia’s current competition policy framework does not adequately protect farmers. Farmers are subject to unfair and anti-competitive commercial practices […]


23 January 2020

Financial Risk Management

Ensuring access to finance to support small businesses, including farm businesses, is of vital importance to the agricultural sector and rural communities, ensuring these businesses can continue to grow their contribution to employment and the economy. At the same time, rural debt levels have increased significantly in the last decade – rising by over 85 […]



The NFF’s National Drought Policy prioritises objectives and outcomes that enhance long-term preparedness, sustainability, resilience and risk management for farming businesses and farming communities in Australia in order to minimise the impact of drought. It recognises the essential role of farming businesses as the nation’s food and fibre producers, important export revenue earners and stewards […]


Rural Debt and Access to Finance

Ensuring access to finance to support small businesses, including farm businesses, is of vital importance to the agricultural sector and rural communities, ensuring these businesses can continue to grow their contribution to employment and the economy. At the same time, rural debt levels have increased significantly in the last decade – rising by over 85 […]


22 January 2020

Research and Development

The NFF is of the view that relevant agricultural Research& Development (R&D) underpins innovation to produce better quality and more competitively priced food and fibre. The NFF fully supports the current model for rural R&D, co-funded through government contributions and agricultural industry levies. Our Vision To spur innovation in agriculture, the NFF supports the following […]



The NFF believes that all rural and regional Australians are entitled to equal access to reliable and affordable telecommunications – and we maintain a constant ‘watching brief’ to ensure that the Australian Government adequately meets the needs of people in country areas. Telecommunications services, be it phone, mobile or internet, are of vital importance for […]


Livestock exports

The Australian livestock export industry has undergone major changes over the last several years, as a result of the ABC Four Corners report into live exports in 2012, the Government suspension and the subsequent resumption of trade. At the heart of these changes has been ensuring continuous improvements in animal welfare. The suspension of the […]


Animal Welfare Policy

Australian farmers value the trust that the community places in them and know that community acceptance of the way they care for animals is essential to the agriculture industry’s success. The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is committed to ongoing and transparent dialogue with the community about the management of animal welfare. Engagement with the community […]



Australia’s biosecurity system is fundamental to the success of our agriculture industries; to the health of our natural environment and our society and economy at large. An adequately funded and well-resourced and effective system will be an essential part of industry achieving our goal of $100 billion in farm gate output by 2030. The primary […]


Natural Capital

Farmers manage 52% of the Australian landscape. The NFF recognises the importance of the environment for Australian agriculture as well as the broader public for the intrinsic soil, water, and living organism services it provides. In order to work towards sustainability, Australian farmers must be afforded market-based recognition for the stewardship of these ecosystem services […]


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