National Farmers' Federation

Farm Safety

Ensuring the safety of Australian farmers and farming families is a priority for the NFF. A founding member of Farmsafe Australia and an active participant in National Farm Safety Week, the NFF shares the Farmsafe vision of: productive Australian farms free from health and safety risks.

The NFF has been particularly active on the issue of quad bike safety on Australian farms over the past few years. Quad bikes are an important piece of farm machinery, but they are also the leading cause of on-farm vehicle-related deaths in Australia, and the main cause of fatal injuries in children aged 5-14 on farms.

The NFF has always favoured an education rather than regulation approach to quad bike safety on farms, however the Government’s recent push towards legislation in this area has prompted the NFF to call for an increased focus on roll-over protection or crush protection devices, fitted at the point of manufacture or sale.

A research study into the safety of such devices is currently underway and the NFF will review its position once the findings have been released.

Visit the Farmsafe website: click here