National Farmers' Federation

Farm Chemicals

The responsible use, monitoring and storage of farm chemicals is of paramount importance to Australia’s farmers, and must be consistently applied across state borders in line with community expectations about safety and sound environmental management.

The NFF represents one of the largest groups of legitimate chemical users in Australia. The NFF proposes and supports policies, programs and alliances that promote the safe and secure storage, handling, transport and sale of agricultural and veterinary chemicals from the place of manufacture through to the point of sale.

Ensuring that farmers have timely and continued access to safe, effective and innovative ag-vet chemicals is a priority for the NFF and the Farming Systems Committee.

Safe, effective and innovative technologies underpin Australian agriculture’s productivity, sustainability and competitiveness. Timely access to world leading agvet chemicals is critical to achieve the agriculture sector’s ambition of $100 billion in farm gate output by 20230. We work with stakeholders including the Australian Government, the Australian Pesticides And Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), Animal Medicines Australia and CropLife Australia to ensure Australian farmers have the technology and tools they need to protect and manage pests and diseases and increase productivity.