National Farmers' Federation

Our Members

AgForce Queensland

AgForce is the peak body representing Queensland cane, beef, sheep and wool, and grain producers.

Australian Cane Growers’ Council Ltd

Australian Cane Growers’ Council Ltd is a not-for-profit public company providing a professional and cohesive voice for the members of 13 local grower companies, located in all of the sugarcane regions of Queensland.

Australian Chicken Growers' Council

Formed in the early 1980s the Australian Chicken Growers' Council (ACGC) is the peak body representing chicken and turkey growers on a range of industry issues at a national level.

Australian Dairy Farmers

Australian Dairy Farmers is the national policy and advocacy body providing collective representation for dairy farmers in Australia.

Australian Forest Products Association

AFPA is the peak national industry body representing the resources, processing, and pulp, paper and bioproduct industries covering the forest products value chain.

Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) is a member-based, peak industry body representing Australia’s livestock export sector.

Australian Livestock and Property Agents Association

The Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association (ALPA) is the National Peak Industry body for livestock and property agents.

Australian Organic Limited

Australian Organic Ltd (AOL) is the leading peak industry body representing Australian organic certifiers and certified operators, with over 30 years of experience working within the organic industry.

Australian Pork Limited

Australian Pork Limited (APL) was formally registered as a company on 23 May 2000 following extensive industry consultation and the overwhelming support of Australian pork producers. Facsimile: (02) 6285 2288

Australian Veterinary Association

The peak body representing veterinarians across Australia for nearly 100 years.

Beechworth Honey Pty Ltd.

Beechworth Honey’s heritage includes four generations of beekeeping in northeast Victoria.

Cattle Australia

Cattle Australia is the peak producer organisation representing Australia's beef cattle producers.

Cotton Australia

Cotton Australia supports the Australian cotton industry to be world-competitive, sustainable and valued by the community.

Farmers for Climate Action

Farmers for Climate Action is a movement of farmers, agricultural leaders and rural Australians working to ensure farmers are a key part of the solution to climate change.

Goat Industry Council of Australia

Under its charter as a Commodity Council, GICA is specifically designated as the organisation that develops collective goat industry policy, across all breeds.

Grain Growers Limited

Grain Growers Limited is a leading voice for Australian grain farmers, representing their interests at a national and international level.

Australian Wild Game Industry Association

Australian Wild Game Industry Council (AWGIC) is the peak representative that unites the diverse wild game industry, encompassing various species, including six approved species of kangaroo and wallaby, as well as feral goat, boar, deer, rabbit and hares, game birds, and Brushtail possums.

NFF Horticulture Council

The NFF Horticulture Council represents a diverse range of horticulture bodies at a national level.

Find a full list of the NFF Horticulture Council members: here.

New South Wales Irrigators' Council

The NSW Irrigators’ Council is a non-profit peak body representing irrigation farmers and the irrigation sector in NSW.

NSW Farmers

NSW Farmers is an Association of farmers and stakeholders of the agricultural industry.

Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association

Today the NTCA is the peak primary industry body for NT pastoralists, representing 90% of the Territory’s pastoral industry, ranging from small family operations and Indigenous-owned enterprises to large corporate organisations.

NRM Regions Australia

NRM Regions Australia communicates with Australian Government Ministers (alongside other organisations) on behalf of all regional NRM bodies to help ensure that NRM policy is coordinated strategically and effectively.

The Pastoralists' Association of West Darling

The Pastoralists’ Association of West Darling is an agri-political lobby organization looking after the special interest of its wool, sheep cattle and goat producing members living in the pastoral regions of the Western Division New South Wales.

Primary Employers Tasmania

Primary Employers Tasmania is the State’s longest established and most highly respected provider of professional, personalised, practical and prompt workplace relations solutions to employers in the agricultural, horticultural and viticultural industries.

Primary Producers South Australia

Primary Producers SA (PPSA) is a coalition of peak bodies representing primary producers in South Australia.

Queensland Farmers' Federation

The Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) is the united voice of agriculture in Queensland. QFF represents more than 13,000 primary producers across the cotton, cane, horticulture, dairy, nursery and garden, poultry, pork, and intensive animal industries.

Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc.

The Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc. (RGA) represents more than 1200 voluntary members, and supports growers on issues affecting the viability of their business and communities.

Sheep Producers Australia

Sheep Producers Australia (SPA) is the peak industry organisation for sheep and lamb producers.

Seafood Industry Australia

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) is the national peak-body representing the Australian seafood industry as a whole with members from the wildcatch, aquaculture and post-harvest sectors of the Australian seafood industry.

Soils for Life

Soils for Life is an Australian non-profit organisation dedicated to encouraging the widest possible adoption of regenerative landscape management practices (also known as regenerative agriculture) across rural, remote and urban environments.

Tasmanian Farmers

Tasmanian Farmers is the peak body representing the interests of Tasmanian farmers at a state and national level.

Victorian Farmers Federation

The Victorian Farmers Federation is an active, powerful lobby group dedicated to the interests of farmers and making a difference to communities.

WA Farmers

WAFarmers represents the voice of farmers throughout Western Australia and is continually working towards a more viable, profitable and sustainable future for the agricultural industry.

WoolProducers Australia

WoolProducers Australia (WPA) is the peak national body for the wool producing industry in Australia, representing farmers who have an interest in growing wool.