National Farmers' Federation

Dozens of gappies start on-farm careers this month

The National Farmers’ Federation’s flagship gap-year program AgCAREERSTART has begun for another year, with dozens of young people kicking off their agricultural careers this week.  

AgCAREERSTART connects farmers with 17-25 year olds who are looking to work on Australian farms.  

Participants are provided a job, dedicated pastoral support, training and development grants, and the opportunity to build their networks within the industry.

Funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and run by the National Farmers’ Federation, AgCAREERSTART is now in its fourth year.

This year’s program started with an action-packed O-Week in Ballarat, which attracted 54 participants.  

The attendees visited farms, underwent training, and heard from program alumni.

Morgan Carroll-Keays attended O-Week, ahead of a move from his home state of Victoria to a beef cattle operation near Stanley, Tasmania.

Morgan says AgCAREERSTART is a great way to launch his career in agriculture.

“Having the $4,500 bursary also makes it so much easier, we have the opportunity to upskill across the industry,” he said.  

“Our training doesn’t have to be specific to our placement industry, which can help set us up for the future.”

The 19-year-old says thanks to O-Week, he now feels prepared for his new job on the cattle property.  

“[I’m looking forward to] just getting involved. Getting in, giving it a crack and getting my hands dirty.”

In total, about 70 young Australians are expected to join the AgCAREERSTART program in 2025.

AgCAREERSTART Project Manager, Kayla Evans, said O-Week was a critical step in helping participants make the transition to rural life.  

“For many, this is their first time working full-time, living out of home, and generally being away from their support network,” she said.  

“It’s an incredibly rewarding experience for the team to see 54 fresh and anxious faces get off a bus on Sunday, not knowing a single other person there, and four days later, they are in equal measure itching to start on farm and not wanting to leave the new friends they made.

“We wish the 2025 cohort every bit of success and look forward to seeing where this year takes them in the program, and into the agriculture industry.”

Nearly 250 young Australians have taken up posts on farms across the country since AgCAREERSTART’s inception.  

The program has welcomed a diverse range of new people to the agriculture industry, and boasts a retention rate of 83% of graduates staying in agriculture, post-program.

For more information on the program, visit https://agcareerstart.com.au/