The National Farmers’ Federation say changes to Australia’s Country-of-Origin labelling system will improve consumer confidence and ultimately be beneficial to Australian farmers.
A Bill passed in the Federal Senate last night will see the terms ‘made-in’ and ‘packed-in’ more clearly defined.
NFF Chief Executive Tony Mahar said by and large Australians consumers want to know more about the products they are purchasing and this includes knowing where they come from.
“Whether it’s fresh or preserved fruit and vegetables, meat, baked goods, noodles, pasta or dairy products – I believe the average Australian shopper is not only interested in knowing where what they are buying comes from but also want to try and support Australian farmers.”
Mr Mahar said Australian food products were subject to stringent health and hygiene standards and Australia’s scientific, regulatory and quality processes were world’s best practice.
“These new labelling rules will provide Australian consumers with a more informed base to make decisions and allow Australian farmers to build on their reputation as one of the highest quality food producers in the world.”
Mr Mahar said ultimately increased demand for Australian food products meant more jobs, stronger regional communities and an overall stronger economy.
“In agriculture is a national economic powerhouse. The value of Australian farm production is set to tip $60 billion in 2016-17.
“The National Farmers Federation will always support smart policy developments such as this, to grow the profitability, productivity and overall prosperity of Australian farmers.”
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