National Farmers' Federation

National Farmer Rally

We are calling on farmers and supporters to join an historic rally in Canberra on 10 September.


When: 11am on Tuesday 10 September (click here for detailed timing)

Where: Federation Mall, opposite Parliament House, Canberra

Farmers’ voices are increasingly being drowned out by activists who want to shut down Aussie farms. 

Whether it’s banning live sheep exports, water buybacks, new taxes and red tape, or destroying productive agricultural land – these policies which hurt farming communities are being driven by people who don’t understand or value what we do.

On 10 September, farmers from across Australia will meet outside Parliament House in Canberra to send a united message.

We want to tell all parliamentarians ahead of the next election that they should listen to farmers, not anti-farming activists, when it comes to what’s best for our industry.

It’s our chance to come together and send a clear and positive message that we deserve a seat at the table, and we deserve a fair go.

Priority concerns the industry will highlight at the rally include:

  • The activist-led ban on live sheep exports by sea
  • Refusal to settle the live cattle class action
  • Calls to scrap the Diesel Fuel Rebate
    Proposed new taxes for biosecurity and on superannuation
  • Calls to scrap the 88 days of specified work for backpackers
  • Water buybacks in the Murray Darling Basin and protecting the Great Artesian Basin
  • Unnecessary red tape from Scope 3 emissions reporting
  • The community impacts of energy and renewables developments


Rally Details 

Tuesday, 10 September 2024


8 – 10am

Convoy past Parliament House


9 – 11am | 1 – 4pm

Shuttle buses running from Parking Area to Federation Mall

Parking Area: EPIC, Old Wells Station Road, Mitchell ACT


11am – 1pm

Speeches, BBQ & entertainment

Federation Mall (opposite Parliament House) Canberra



Buses return to Parking Area


Get involved: To discuss support by a group or organisation, contact rally coordinator Paul Brown on paul@jennalivestock.com.au

Download all media assets here

This page will be updated as more information becomes available.

Can't attend? Sign the petition

I support a fair go for Aussie farmers

Dear SpeakOut! user

I stand with the farming communities from across Australia who are coming together in Canberra for the National Ag Rally.

Decisions that impact farmers should take into account their views and lived experience, as well as the best available science and evidence. They should not be dictated by noisy interest groups who want to diminish Australian food and fibre production.

Australia's world class farm sector is leading the way on innovation & sustainability, creating meaningful jobs, and providing high quality products the world desperately needs.

Please listen to the needs of our sector and support a thriving future for Australian farming communities.

%%your signature%%

2,116 signatures = 85% of goal

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