TEN young farmers have been selected to represent Australia at the World Congress of Young Farmers in Argentina next month, then embark on a Study Tour of Argentina and Brazil.
In coordinating both events, the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) chose from over 100 applicants, all keen to join the Australian delegation to the International Federation of Agricultural Producers’ (IFAP) 2nd World Congress of Young Farmers, over 26-28 July 2007.
Australia’s delegates – aged between 25 and 34 – were chosen from high-calibre nominations, representing a cross-section of commodities and States (see Biographies at ‘Attachment A’ below):
* 3 delegates, from Narrabri, Cumnock and Bentley, in NSW,
* 2 delegates, from Emerald and Toombul, in Queensland,
* 1 delegate, from Coonalpyn, in South Australia,
* 2 delegates, from Bridgewater on Loddon and Cobden, in Victoria,
* 1 delegate, from Thirlstane, in Tasmania, and
* 1 delegate, from Woodanilling, in Western Australia.
“With agriculture crucially intertwined in the leading issues of the day; including climate change, water and the environment; and dominating headlines the world over, the NFF is excited to see our young farmers seize the opportunity to discuss ideas and share experiences with their international counterparts,” NFF President David Crombie said.
“From over 100 applications the NFF had just 10 places to fill, with young farmers and farming professionals from across Australia bringing diverse backgrounds and a passion to engage other young farmers from around the world to advance agriculture.
“Following the Congress, the NFF has also developed a four-day agricultural Study Tour of Argentina and Brazil, to give our delegates a unique first-hand perspective of different farm systems, while fostering a better understanding of issues such as international competition, global trade and local production techniques.
“Although we could choose only 10 delegates, we were impressed by the response from enthusiastic young farmers, all of whom are thoroughly involved in their local communities and passionate about the future of agriculture.”
The NFF thanks the sponsors of event for making the delegation possible:
* http://www.daff.gov.au[The Hon Sussan Ley MP, through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry];
* http://www.dfat.gov.au/coalar/[the Council on Australia Latin America Relations];
* http://www.syngenta.com.au/[Syngenta Crop Protection];
* http://www.monsanto.com.au/layout/default.asp[Monsanto Limited];
* http://www.landmark.com.au/[Landmark];
* http://www.rirdc.gov.au/[Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation];
* http://www.cottonaustralia.com.au/[Cotton Australia];
* http://www.crdc.com.au/[Cotton Research and Development Corporation];
* http://www.mla.com.au/default.htm[Meat and Livestock Australia]; and
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