The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has recognised the resilience, hard work and ingenuity of Australian farmers with forecasts predicting an increase in farm-gate production in 2018-19.
The Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Science (ABARES) Agricultural Commodities Report has agricultural production tipped to rise from $60.5 billion in 2017-18 to $61.4 billion in 2018-19.
NFF President Fiona Simson said underpinning this was the efforts of every single Australian farmer, farming family and farm business.
“Despite tough seasonal conditions across many of our agricultural regions, farmers continue to punch above their weight in terms of the economic contribution they make to our nation.
“Everyday day farmers are turning off high quality, safe, sustainable food and fibre that caters for Australian and international consumers.”
The ABARES report shows farm exports will be $47 billion in 2018-2019 – with higher export earnings for beef and veal, cheese, cotton, lamb and wool.
Ms Simson said the NFF had a vision for farm gate production to reach $100 billion by 2030.
“It is a bold vision but one we think is possible. We are currently on a trajectory of growth but we need a step-change, a shift to a higher gear, if you like, if we are to reach $100 billion.
During March, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull released the Talking 2030 Discussion Paper commissioned by the NFF, assessing the innovations and policy environment the farm sector needs to achieve its targeted growth.
The NFF is now meeting with farmers across the country, ground-truthing the Discussion Papers’ recommendations
“So far we’ve visited regional centres in Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales,” Ms Simson said.
“The contribution at the workshops has been invaluable. There has been discussion of perennial questions for agriculture including attracting more young people to the sector; addressing climate and seasonal variability; and improving trade and market access.
“There has also been out-of-the box thinking on how we harness new technologies; improve the profile of ag and more efficiently harness water resources.”
Ms Simson said the next step was to consolidate the findings of the Talking 2030 ‘national roadshow’ and develop a clear roadmap to guide agriculture to $100 billion.
“To reach $100 billion in farm gate production by 2030 we need to demonstrate the ingenuity we’re renowned for; take risks and continue to pursue excellence.
“If we do, the sky is the limit for our sector, our farmers and our regional communities.” Ms Simson.
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