A sigh of relief has permeated through regional communities with the news of bipartisan support for the continued implementation of key elements of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) President Fiona Simson has thanked Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Hon David Littleproud MP, and Labor water spokesperson Hon Tony Burke MP, for their shared commitment to ensuring the implementation of the historic national water plan can continue as intended.
“After six years of uncertainty, we are relieved that the two major parties, have acted in the nation’s best interest and agreed to oppose the stunt by the Greens to the block the 605GL sustainable diversion measures (SDL) for the southern basin.
“Farming families, other small businesses and communities up and down the Basin, can now plan their future with the certainty that bipartisan support for the plan provides.
Ms Simson said such bipartisanship was vital if the Plan was to continue to achieve the outcomes intended by its architects.
“The Murray Darling Basin Plan is a historic compromise designed to protect the environment, farmers and regional communities into the future.
“Support for the plan needs to be stronger than any one Government or party.
“I whole-heartedly congratulate Minister Littleproud and Mr Burke, for putting politics aside, reaching across the aisle and doing what is best for the environment and all Australians.”
“The Greens, and their cronies, would be wise to take some time to reflect on their flawed attempt to frustrate the plan and ultimately compromise its ability to deliver for the environment.
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