As the Blueprint for Australian Agriculture forum gets underway in Wagga today, the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has welcomed the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s announcement of additional funding for the Blueprint.
NFF Vice-President Duncan Fraser today joined Minister Ludwig for the announcement in Wagga, where $150,000 was committed by the Government to the initiative.
“Today’s announcement demonstrates the Government’s commitment to the Blueprint, and the importance of the project to the future of Australian agriculture,” Mr Fraser said.
“The Blueprint aims to give farmers and all within the agricultural supply chain the opportunity to identify the issues, challenges and future direction of the agricultural sector: to help identify where we want to go and how we’re going to get there.
“It’s a chance for farmers and all in the wider sector to take the lead in determining our future direction and provides a platform to have their voices heard. One of the biggest issues emerging from the Blueprint forums around the country is the need for unity and strength in the agricultural sector: and the more people we have participate, the stronger the Blueprint – and its outcomes – will be.
“Today’s announcement shows that the Australian Government is willing to listen to, and work with, the agricultural sector to help achieve a strong and sustainable future.
“The cash and in-kind support from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences will ensure we can further boost the Blueprint effort to deliver an outcome that is truly reflective of the agricultural community.
“If you haven’t yet taken part in the Blueprint, be it through a forum, the online survey, by talking to an NFF member organisation or hosting a Blueprint forum, we strongly encourage you to do so. Your participation is an important investment in the future of our sector,” Mr Fraser said.
With today’s announcement, the Australian Government has become a major partner of the Blueprint, joining existing major partners Westpac and Woolworths. For more information on the Blueprint for Australian Agriculture, visit
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