National Farmers' Federation

Industry statement: live export trade

The livestock industry welcomes the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator Joe Ludwig’s announcement that the Australian Government has lifted the suspension on the live cattle trade to Indonesia, under new conditions that will assure the welfare of Australian cattle throughout the supply chain.
While this is an important first step for cattle producers, exporters and businesses impacted so heavily by the suspension, the recommencement of the trade will be gradual to those supply chains that meet approved international standards, and export volumes may not return to normal levels for a considerable period of time. While ever volumes remain below normal levels producers in northern Australia will continue to suffer.
The industry and Government must now work together with Indonesia to bring additional facilities up to international standards, so that the $320 million a year trade can return to normal levels as soon as possible while also assuring the welfare of Australian cattle throughout the supply chain.
Issued by: National Farmers’ Federation, Meat & Livestock Australia, LiveCorp, Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council, Cattle Council of Australia, WAFarmers, Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association, AgForce, Sheepmeat Council of Australia and the Goat Industry Council of Australia.

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