The National Farmers’ Federation welcomes today’s release of Infrastructure Australia’s Regional Strengths and Infrastructure Gaps report, which aligns with the NFF blueprint for regional renewal.
On March 1, the NFF launched its Regional Development Precincts, which identified 20 regional centres and recommended more than $1.4 billion in new investment to guarantee their vibrant future.
“It’s an exciting time in rural and regional Australia as thousands of people recognise the potential in our regions, but we need a strategy and the right infrastructure to support this population growth, providing the same services people expect in urban areas, while also creating new opportunities,” NFF President, Fiona Simson said.
“We commend Infrastructure Australia for its hard work in developing this report, which adds weight to the NFF goal to create a positive and comprehensive direction for development in regional Australia.
“By having a clear picture of our regions’ strengths and gaps combined with the recommendations set out in the NFF’s Regional Development Precincts proposal, the hard work has been done.
“Now we can hit the ground running, capitalising on the recent regional population growth and opportunities in domestic manufacturing capabilities.
“The onus is now on National Cabinet to establish a framework, including local government, to develop a plan for regional Australia, based on developing the economic capability and availability and quality of critical services, which goes to the heart of the NFF’s goal for agriculture to be a $100 billion industry by 2030.”
The NFF also acknowledges the important contribution by the Select Committee on Regional Australia and its Chair, Tony Pasin MP, in supporting the regions through the Committee’s inquiry to find what can be done to unlock regional Australia’s potential.
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