National Farmers' Federation

Landcare founders call for a new decade of action

On the 25th anniversary of Landcare’s formation, the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) have again joined forces to call for a new decade of action to tackle the challenges confronting Australia’s land, water, wildlife and farmland.
In 1989 the ACF and NFF convinced the Hawke Federal Government to support a movement that would engage communities across Australia in activities to reverse the degradation of farmland, public land and waterways.
This was the beginning of Landcare as a national movement. There are now more than 6000 Landcare and Coastcare groups around the country, working to improve Australia’s farmland, waterways and natural environments.
“For a quarter of a century, Landcare has made Australia a better place, yet the scale of the task ahead is significant,” said NFF CEO Matt Linnegar.
“To meet the growing international demand for food and fibre, Australian farmers will need to continue their efforts to ensure long term sustainability,” Mr Linnegar said.
“Landcare has got people out into nature, working together to repair and restore waterways, wildlife habitat and farmlands all over Australia,” said ACF CEO Don Henry.
“With big challenges ahead, it’s so important that governments and the wider community continue to restore our land and rivers – our life support systems – which are the heart of Australia’s economic security and our way of life,” Mr Henry said.
As founding members of the original Landcare partnership, ACF and NFF have issued a new call to governments at all levels, the farming, conservation and corporate sectors, philanthropists and the broader community to:
1) Commit to a decade of action to overcome the challenges confronting Australia’s land, water, wildlife and farmland that lie at the heart of our economic security and way of life.
2) Strengthen the connections between farmers, traditional owners, urban Australians and all those working to improve the health of our environment.
3) Recognise the maintenance and improvement of our farmlands and natural environment as vital components of our living national infrastructure.

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