More than 250 farmers, agribusinesses and government representatives will come together in Canberra next week for the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) 2014 National Congress – with only five days remaining until registrations close.
Taking place at the Australian Institute of Sport Arena on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 October, the NFF’s National Congress ‘Producing Our Future’ will look at the major issues affecting the agricultural sector.
Key highlights of the two-day National Congress include:
• Opening address from the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, Minister for Agriculture, officially representing the Hon. Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister of Australia.
• Address from the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Leader of the Opposition.
• Addresses from Brad Gorman of Coles; Andrew Gregory of McDonalds Australia; Dr Nick Austin of Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Senior Social Researcher Dr Neil Barr; Mick Keogh of the Australian Farm Institute; Geoff Rose of National Australia Bank and Paul Higgins of Emergent Futures.
• A parliamentary panel facilitated by Sky News Political Editor David Speers, featuring Mr Clive Palmer MP; Senator Bridget McKenzie; Senator Christine Milne, Leader of the Greens; the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Senator David Leyonhjelm, on the topic: industry strategy versus government policy – are we all thinking the same and if not, why not?
• Day one sessions include: profitability at farm-gate, competition for land use, infrastructure and youth in agriculture. Featuring 12 speakers including David Sackett of Growth Farms; RIRDC 2014 Rural Woman of the Year, Pip Job; Peter Thompson of Soil2Soul; Lachlan Baird of Prime Super; Georgie Aley of Future Farmers Network; Charlie Blomfield of Agricultural Management Company and more.
• Day two sessions include: agriculture in a consumers world, review of farm representation, industry strategy versus government policy, Brand Australia reality check and global game-changers that could redefine agriculture as we know it. Featuring over 20 speakers and panellists including Peter Scott of Devondale Murray Goulburn; Simon Corish of Corish Farms; Michael Edmonds of Meat & Livestock Australia; Nick Nichles of Austrade; Jenny West of Telstra Country Wide and more.
• A celebration of the UN-declared International Year of Family Farming and 35 Years of the NFF at the National Portrait Gallery on Monday evening, showcasing the stories of farming families across Australia and recognising past Presidents of the NFF.
All within the Australian agricultural sector are invited to Congress. For information, or to register, visit the[Congress website].
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