The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) 2012 National Congress is taking place on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 October at the Australian Institute of Sport Arena, Canberra. More than 30 speakers are confirmed to address Congress. Key speakers include:
Monday 22 October
9:35am Welcome Address: Jock Laurie, NFF President
9:45am Opening Address: Senator the Hon. Joe Ludwig, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry
10:05am Australian Agriculture and the Food and Fibre Boom: Keynote addresses
Dr Johan Van Der Brink PhD, South African Institute for Bio-diversity
David Thomas, CEO, Think Global Consulting
11:20am Policy to Practicality: Parliamentarian panel
The Hon Sid Sidebottom MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry
The Hon. John Cobb MP, Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Food Security
Senator Christine Milne, Leader of the Australian Greens
Robert Oakeshott MP, Federal Member for Lyne, Independent
1:10pm Policy to Practicality: The key issues
15 panellists, including: The Hon. Craig Knowles, Chair, Murray-Darling Basin Authority (Murray-Darling Basin Plan) and The Hon. Dr Craig Emerson MP, Minister for Trade (Foreign investment).
Tuesday 23 October
8:45am State of Australian Agriculture:
The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister of Australia
9:25am State of Australian Agriculture:
The Hon. Tony Abbott MP, Leader of the Opposition
10:05am Response to the State of Australian Agriculture addresses:
Jock Laurie, NFF President
David Crombie, former NFF President
10:25am Blueprint for Australian Agriculture: Initial findings
Matt Linnegar, NFF CEO
The full Congress program is available via the[Congress website]. Media are invited to attend Congress and interview opportunities with selected speakers are available.
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