Agricultural leaders from across the country will meet outside Parliament House in Canberra today to launch the National Farmers’ Federation’s ‘Accelerate Agriculture’ campaign.
Accelerate Agriculture aims to shine a spotlight on key issues and policies which must be addressed this election to further strengthen the opportunity-laden agriculture industry.
Accelerate Agriculture will include a dedicated website where farmers and community members can sign on to support the campaign and to keep abreast of the latest in election announcements and events of significance to the rural sector.
The campaign will also include a weekly AccelerateAg Podcast reviewing election announcements and explaining the NFF’s policy positions, a live-streamed agriculture debate, social media campaign and the return of the NFF’s Election Scorecard, rating the major political parties against key policy priorities.
NFF President, Brent Finlay, said the foundation of the campaign would be five policy pillars each with an associated ask to accelerate agriculture. They are:
1. Building a Stronger Workforce
Accelerate a better deal for farm workers by scrapping the Backpacker Tax.
2. Supercharging Farm Business
Accelerate the journey from paddock to plate by building the Inland Rail.
3. Investing in Innovation and Technology
Accelerate connectivity to the bush by investing in mobile blackspots.
4. Leading the Global Marketplace
Accelerate access to overseas markets by investing more in trade.
5. Balancing Farming and the Environment
Accelerate opportunities for carbon farming through research and innovation.
“These policy priorities have been endorsed by our NFF members across the nation and throughout the campaign we will be rolling out further details of each and highlighting what any incoming government can do to make sure all Australians can benefit from the extraordinary opportunities in the agriculture sector.
“Regional Australia can’t afford to sit still this election. The keys to government can only be won with the help of regional seats and they need to be earned.
“Everyone who has an interest in farming needs to be involved this election and provides an easy platform to do this.
“Agriculture is our second-largest export industry and an industry with exponential growth potential as demand for our premium quality and safe product soars.
“It is now time for our political leaders to commit to accelerating our industry into the economic powerhouse it can be.”
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