AT THIS federal election, the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is calling on all political parties to commit to a visionary new strategy aimed at securing the sustainability of Australian farmers – and, through them, advancing the national interests economically, socially and environmentally.
The NFF’s 2007 Federal Election Policy Platform (attached below) asserts commonsense new policy directions, encapsulated in three central planks: ‘Economy, People, Environment’.
“Modern farming is fundamentally intertwined within the leading issues of the day,” NFF President David Crombie, launching the policy platform, said. “Economic performance and international competitiveness; labour force and its education and training; climate change, water reform and environmental-sustainability all transcend politics to define who we are, and where we are going, as Australians.
“While the nation remains in the grip of the worst drought on record, Australian farmers are getting on with the job of smart farming – identifying real solutions through new drought management and preparedness initiatives, investing in innovative research to address climate change, embarking on sensible water reform to meet metro and regional needs and always looking to sustainable environmental management.
“Our farmers generate $103 billion a year in production, taking into account the supply chain value they support – that’s 12% of GDP. Some 1.6 million Australian jobs hinge on farming – with over 330,000 directly on-farm. Our farmers provide over half of Australia’s daily food intake and generate 20% ($30 billion a year) of the nation’s exports.
“Agriculture, perhaps more than any other sector, is directly exposed to the impact of climate variability, fluctuating world markets and international trade barriers. World-class transport infrastructure and telecommunication technologies are essential to a vibrant agricultural sector.
“The NFF wants a commitment from a government that will work strategically, in partnership with farmers, to help meet these challenges. We are proposing nation-building advances in the way Australia deals with drought, climate change, water reform and industrial relations, to list a few.
“We are advancing a sustainable way forward to secure farmers’ futures, that of their families, their local communities, and our nation.
“The 2007 federal election is poised as a fascinating clash of ideas and ideals, a contest we have not seen in Australian politics in many years.”
Australian farmers. An important part of Australia’s future.
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