NFF Website for the National Education Campaign on Pastoral and Horticulture Award
In early 2011, the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) in conjunction with the National Farmers Federation (NFF) commenced a national education campaign advising of changes to the Pastoral Award 2010 and Horticulture Award 2010.
The campaign has been funded by the Australian Government through the FWO Shared Industry Assistance Projects (SIAP) Grant Program, which aims to better inform employers (particularly small to medium businesses) about changes to modern awards applicable to their industry sector. Following a competitive selection process, NFF was one of 15 successful organisations selected to deliver the education campaign in conjunction with the FWO.
The education material comprises fact sheets that have been developed addressing common issues surrounding the Pastoral Award 2010 and the Horticulture Award 2010 and the development of transition tables for each pre modern award or award free.
This information is now available on the NFF website at
Contact: Denita Wawn on (02) 6273 3855 or 0408 448 250 or
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