National Farmers' Federation

NSW Irrigators join Australia’s peak agricultural body

NSW Irrigators Council has today been welcomed as the newest Associate Member of the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF), ensuring the voice of NSW irrigators are heard around the NFF’s decision making table.
NFF CEO Matt Linnegar said the addition of the NSW Irrigators Council as a member of the NFF builds off an already close relationship between the two organisations, and will help to further strengthen the broad representation the NFF has across all aspects of Australian agriculture.
“The NFF has worked closely with the NSW Irrigators Council over many years, particularly on ensuring a better deal for Australian farmers and irrigators in the development of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan – one of the biggest issues facing the farming sector over the past decade,” Mr Linnegar said.
“Although the final Basin Plan remains of concern to farmers and irrigators, by working together the NFF, the NSW Irrigators Council and others helped to ensure that the impact of the Plan on the sector was reduced. Critical to this was our collective efforts to achieve the inclusion of key safeguards and a greater focus on investing in on-farm infrastructure, in the Plan,” Mr Linnegar said.
“The addition of the NSW Irrigators Council to the NFF’s Members’ Council will further enhance our strength as a united voice for Australia’s agricultural and farming sector. By joining the NFF, NSW Irrigators Council will join our 26 other Member organisations to contribute to the broader decision-making process, ensuring that the interests of irrigators are represented at the highest level.”
The NSW Irrigators Council represents over 12,000 water access licence holders across NSW, including those who access regulated, unregulated and groundwater systems.
“As the peak body for irrigators in NSW, our aim is to ensure that irrigators are recognised for their efficient, responsible and sustainable use of water,” NSW Irrigators Council CEO, Andrew Gregson, today said.
“We work to protect the rights and interests of our Members, who include valley water user associations, food and fibre groups, irrigation corporations and commodity groups, and to guarantee that they are included in key policy and operational decisions affecting water use in the state – and now, through the NFF, the nation.
“It has never been more important to engage with the Federal Government and other national stakeholders in order to obtain the best outcomes for irrigators.
“We look forward to working with the NFF as an Associate Member, and to engaging with other NFF Members, many of whom we already have relationships with, to continue to provide strong and united representation across the farming sector.”

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