National Farmers' Federation

Statement by NFF President Fiona Simson on Moss Review into Live Export Regulation

The NFF welcomes the Moss Review recommendations. The changes proposed will improve the regulator’s capability and culture – ultimately increasing confidence in the regulation of live exports.
We believe these changes set the direction for a sustainable industry which has animal welfare as its highest priority.
The NFF and its members remain committed to the future of a live export trade which meets the animal welfare expectations of farmers and the community.
The footage and practices which led to this review were categorically unacceptable to farmers and the community and warranted a decisive response.
We welcome the Federal Government’s support for the Moss Review recommendations and look forward to working constructively with them on implementation.
It is vital that implementation occurs in partnership with the broader agriculture industry – driven by a culture of continuous and science-based improvement.
The Moss Review has found that the regulatory capability, powers, practices and culture of the Department need significant change to provide assurance to the Australian community that our high standards can be met.
The regulator must demonstrate that there are processes and systems in place to prevent mistreatment of animals, which is what both farmers and the community expect.
The NFF along with the farmers of Australia look forward to those changes.

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