The Australian Regional Tourism Network (ARTN) and the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop policy to encourage greater visitor dispersal in rural and regional destinations.
The MoU was signed in Canberra, formalising a partnership between the two organisations on behalf of their diverse industry members and partners.
“The MoU is about bringing the farming sector and the tourism plate together, providing the platform to develop an agri-tourism sector for growing domestic and international demand,” said ARTN Chair David Sheldon.
“We have formally agreed to work collaboratively on projects that benefit economic and social development in rural and regional Australia – creating jobs and better economic outcomes for the regions.
“The MoU will be a boost to regional areas. We have already shown how our two organisations working together on topics of mutual interest can have an impact, such as the much troubled backpacker tax,” said Mr Sheldon.
“Agriculture and tourism are growth industries of the Australian economy. By working together, we can harness the enormous opportunities ahead of us in an even more meaningful way,” said NFF CEO Tony Mahar.
“Tourism and farming are large employers across all of Australia, and provide a foundation for the social fabric for communities.
“With both agribusiness and tourism recognised as vital economic drivers for our future economy, we need to stand united to advocate for strategies that support regional dispersal and enabling infrastructure that will allow our regional and rural tourism sectors to maximise their potential,” said Mr Mahar.
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