National Farmers' Federation

WA To Join National Water Initiative

THE National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has today welcomed the announcement from Western Australia’s new Premier, Mr Alan Carpenter that the State will consider joining the National Water Initiative (NWI).
“NFF is very encouraged by positive comments by the new Premier that Western Australia (WA) will benefit from signing up to the NWI,” NFF President, Mr Peter Corish said.
“If WA does sign up to the NWI, it will mean that all States will be a part of this vital agreement which aims to provide greater security and certainty for farmers, the community and the environment.
Mr Corish said that getting water policy right is crucial for all Australians.
“NFF was centrally engaged in the development of the NWI and we seek to see it implemented in full and in line with its original intent.
“We currently hold grave concerns that several States are ‘selectively’ implementing the NWI. While they are moving ahead on the issue of pricing they are not confronting issues such as the clarification of entitlements and trading,” Mr Corish said.
NFF finds this unacceptable. NFF calls on all States to address the implementation issues of the NWI holistically and we also encourage the Premier to commit Western Australia to this important agreement as a matter of priority.

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