National Farmers' Federation

(RRRCC) Consultation on design options for Round 5A of the Mobile Black Spot Program

he RRRCC has strongly supported the MBSP since the Coalition was first formed, and we recognise the significant impact that MBSP investment has had in improving mobile coverage in regional, rural and remote areas. This makes a material difference to the lives of those who live and work in – and visit or travel through – these areas. Despite this investment, many regional and remote Australians are still unable to access reliable mobile coverage.

One of the RRRCC’s core asks is for the MBSP to promote competition as well as coverage by requiring open access for all networks, and this remains relevant in the context of the design of Round 5A. The RRRCC has also expressed the need for the program design to evolve, as potential sites become more commercially marginal, and to account for technological change. The RRRCC welcomes the government’s commitment to seek stakeholder views to inform the design of Round 5A. The time is right for the MBSP to look at new ways of delivering coverage.

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