National Farmers' Federation

Farmers sign off on Govt’s ‘Fair Dismissal Code’

THE National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) today endorsed the Australian Government’s Fair Dismissal Code, launched by Deputy Prime Minister The Hon Julia Gillard MP, as “striking a sensible, practical balance for employers and employees”.
“We’ve enjoyed a practical working relationship with the Government and its consultative approach demonstrates it is serious about a sensible balance in the interests of workers and employers,” NFF President David Crombie said.
“We’ve been engaged in the technical issues underpinning the new arrangements. The new Fair Dismissal Code is thorough, but not onerously restrictive, and it makes provision for addressing issues around staff performance.
“The Code also provides clear direction for employers, allowing them to fully understand their obligations for evidence to ensure that dismissal decisions are fair. This means there is appropriate protection for employees, while employers have a clear and reasonable way forward.
“The NFF will continue to work through the technical issues with the Government to ensure industrial relations reform remains fair, flexible and reflective of the modern needs of employers and employees – especially across our 155,000 farms, which are predominantly small businesses.
“Naturally, how the Code operates will depend on the legislation, which we will be watching closely.”

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