The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has praised the comments made by the Governor-General, Her Excellency, Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO in her Australia Day National Broadcast, where she highlighted vital role farmers play in Australian society.
The Governor-General suggested that farmers are the “life force of our nation” delivering not only the food and fibre that Australian’s so often take for granted, but also delivering enormous environmental services and creating a social fabric to regional Australia that we can all be proud of.
NFF President, Jock Laurie, welcomed the speech as an insightful outline of the vast contributions made by Australian farmers.
“The Governor-General’s Australia Day National Broadcast is welcome recognition of Australian farming at a time when the contributions made by our people are often taken for granted,” Mr Laurie said
“It is fantastic to see such public recognition of the efforts made by Australian farmers and acknowledgment of the important role that agriculture has played in creating this great nation of ours.
“Like the Governor-General, all Australians should be proud of our farmers and we hope that people heed her advice by actively thinking about a career in agriculture,” Mr Laurie said.
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