Farmers’ patience is fast running out with state and territory governments and their posturing over National Energy Guarantee (NEG) targets, according to the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF).
NFF President, Fiona Simson said she hoped the onus to endorse a solution to Australia’s energy crisis was not lost on COAG Energy Ministers.
“We are calling for all-of-Government, bi-partisan support for the National Energy Guarantee (NEG) framework, to be forthcoming immediately following tomorrow’s COAG meeting.
“Now is not the time to be getting bogged down in a philosophical debate over a number.”
Ms Simson said reasonable issues raised could be identified, agreed and addressed via the drafting of the National Electricity Legislation which will be considered during September.
“The NEG framework provides for targets to be dynamic – for Government to amend targets subject to an adequate notice period and proper process.
“By supporting the NEG at tomorrow’s COAG, States and Territories are not endorsing an emissions target. This debate can be had in Federal Parliament.
“States and Territories would also not be prevented from pursuing additional renewable energy or emission reduction policies if they so decide.”
Ms Simson said farmers were at the frontline of Australia’s energy crisis
“Our electricity market is broken. Everyday irrigators, dairy farmers, fruit and vegetables growers are managing escalating power bills, in some cases, rises of up to 200%.
“The agriculture supply chain is also affected and increased costs for manufacturers and retailers, are invariably passed on to farmers.”
The NFF has backed the NEG as a framework that can solve the trilemma of reliability, affordability and towards reduced-emissions.
“The NEG successfully balances energy and emissions policy — dealing with repairing the broken national electricity market and meeting Australia’s international emissions reduction commitments, without preferencing any one technology,” Ms Simson said.
“COAG’s agreement on the NEG, would reduce policy uncertainty and help the electricity sector deliver affordable, reliable and clean energy, while enabling continued ‘review’ of our economy-wide emissions reduction target.”
For more information on how the NEG intersects with agriculture see the link below:
For the NFF’s Energy Policy see the link below:
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