National Farmers' Federation

“True Aussie” to recognise Australian produce globally

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) today announced that the organisations will work together over the next twelve months to expand the use of the “True Aussie” brand across a broader range of Australian agricultural products.
Brent Finlay, President of the NFF, said that Australia has long been a key provider of premium, safe food to the world.
“We want the world’s consumers to be sure that what they are getting is truly Australian – True Aussie,” Mr Finlay said.
“So, the NFF has agreed to work with Meat & Livestock Australia to ensure that the world knows exactly when it’s seeing the genuine article.”
Mr Finlay said that “True Aussie” was developed by MLA in conjunction with the cattle, sheepmeat and goat industry representative bodies – the Cattle Council of Australia (CCA), the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA), the Sheepmeat Council of Australia (SCA) and the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA).
Richard Norton, Managing Director of MLA, said the red meat industry was proud of the achievements of the “True Aussie” brand in key global markets since it was launched 12 months ago.
“The red meat industry identified the need for a common brand to underpin the quality and the clean, green and safe positioning of Australian beef and lamb,” Mr Norton said.
“The brand was developed using detailed consumer insights and research about Australia’s positioning in our key export markets.
“Led by the cattle, sheep and goat industries of Australia, the red meat industry is now looking forward to exploring opportunities with the NFF, to evolve the True Aussie brand across a broader range of agricultural products.
“We are excited by the additional exposure this partnership will bring to True Aussie in our key markets.”
“True Aussie” is already being used at major trade shows in key export markets – including China, Europe and the United States – to promote Australian agriculture’s clean, green and natural image.
It is also being used actively in consumer branding activities in-store in Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and many Middle Eastern markets.
“Over the next twelve months, MLA will work with the NFF on expanding the guidelines for the True Aussie brand, while ensuring that the brand’s integrity is maintained,” Mr Norton said.
“We all need to ensure that the same rigour applied to the red meat industry to use the brand is continued.”
Mr Finlay said that during a twelve-month pilot project, the NFF and key industry representatives will be developing and examining relevant standards that will ensure “True Aussie” quality; extending the brand’s reach; and spreading the word.
“It will be our job to work, with our members, to ensure that a product is True Aussie – from a land where outstanding agricultural practice is backed by world-leading food safety science.
“The NFF is proud to put its weight and its reputation behind the True Aussie name.
“We mean to get this right, so that the brand can apply for all agricultural commodities exported from Australia; and be accepted everywhere as an announcement of the highest quality produce.
“So we are taking a staged approach. We are at the beginning of a very promising journey.”

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