National Farmers' Federation

Senate inquiry into the Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping Measures) Bill (No. 1) 2015 and the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Amendment Bill 2015: Submission

In its 2015 Submission, the NFF outlines its support for an effective trade remedies regime in Australia. NFF underlines its belief that dumping is a form of predatory pricing, and that the major challenge for Australian governments (with industry) is to improve the accessibility of Australia’s anti-dumping system for industries with legitimate claims against dumped products. The submission goes on to discuss the key guiding principles that the NFF supports in relation to the Bills in question and in relation to anti-dumping measures, including matters such as ensuring Australia’s anti-dumping system is WTO-consistent, and the requirement for government to take on a more cooperative role in working with affected sectors. NFF states that Australian farmers depend on a transparent, efficient and defensible anti-dumping system. They go on to emphasize that Australia’s anti-dumping regime must be transparent and robust and carry with it a high level of integrity.

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