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The National Farmers’ Federation is helping shape agriculture’s role in a low-emissions future. Climate change will play a major role in Australian agriculture’s next decade, exacerbating climate risk while creating diverse new income opportunities. SEE HOW WE’RE ENGAGING Our Climate Policy The National Farmers Federation (NFF) supports an economy-wide aspiration of net zero emissions by […]
Tags: Environment
6 August 2020
Already in 2020, 14 Australians have been killed in quad bike accidents. At least 267 Australians have died in quad bike related incidents since 2001. On average, there are 16 quad bike related deaths per year. The human toll Quad bikes remain a popular farm vehicle, but the danger they pose can’t be denied. Almost […]
Tags: Workforce
10 June 2020
The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has compiled a one pager that contains information about the recent Full Federal Court decision in the matter of WorkPac v Rossato. The decision confirms that employees who were notionally engaged as casuals but can demonstrate that they were working fixed, regular shifts are considered to be permanent employees in […]
3 June 2020
Sustainability Initiatives Sustainable agricultural practices are at the heart of farming in Australia. The scale, diversity and variability of Australian agriculture demand that Australian farmers maintain the highest standards of land and animal stewardship in order to survive. The Australian agricultural industry’s approach to sustainable agricultural practices is evident across the life cycle of food […]
Tags: Environment
11 February 2020
The responsible use, monitoring and storage of farm chemicals is of paramount importance to Australia’s farmers, and must be consistently applied across state borders in line with community expectations about safety and sound environmental management. The NFF represents one of the largest groups of legitimate chemical users in Australia. The NFF proposes and supports policies, […]
Tags: Biosecurity, health and welfare
29 January 2020
New technologies and the improved use of available technologies – such a biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) crops – have assisted Australian farmers achieve efficiency and productivity gains, and have helped ensure Australian agriculture can remain competitive on international markets. The NFF recognises the potential of biotechnology (including gene technology) as a valuable tool within […]
Tags: Innovation
23 January 2020
The NFF is of the view that relevant agricultural Research& Development (R&D) underpins innovation to produce better quality and more competitively priced food and fibre. The NFF fully supports the current model for rural R&D, co-funded through government contributions and agricultural industry levies. Continuous productivity improvements are required to maintain the sector’s competitiveness. Key to […]
Tags: Innovation
Overseas workers play a small but important part in the Australian agricultural industry, helping farmers fill labour shortages at peak times when local labour is difficult to access. Migration programs are designed to be secondary sources of labour, with employers looking to Australian workers first, before filling gaps with overseas workers where necessary. In 2010-11, […]
Tags: Workforce
Ensuring the safety of Australian farmers and farming families is a priority for the NFF. A founding member of Farmsafe Australia and an active participant in National Farm Safety Week, the NFF shares the Farmsafe vision of: productive Australian farms free from health and safety risks. The NFF has been particularly active on the issue […]
Tags: Workforce
The NFF represents the farming sector in annual wage decisions, ongoing workplace relations reforms, workforce deregulation and flexible workplace relations, and works actively to address the chronic labour shortage in regional Australia.
Tags: Workforce
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