The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s (ARENA) bioenergy roadmap consultation paper. Bioenergy remains largely an untapped source of energy in Australia, comprising approximately four per cent of total energy consumption in contrast to the European Union’s 10 per cent use, and suggests there is significant scope to expand the market for bioenergy and bioproducts.
The NFF recognises the potential for bioenergy within the agriculture sector, particularly as a renewable energy source that can: enhance regional employment and economic development, enhance energy security as distributed energy sources increasingly penetrate the grid, contribute to the Australia’s emissions reduction goals under the Paris Agreement and help diversify farm businesses and therefore improve resilience.
In particular, regions that have existing clusters of industry and access and proximity to reliable feedstock have the greatest opportunities to develop bioenergy capabilities. Processing facilities required to convert feedstock will likely be establish in regional areas to minimise transport costs, and help establish regional hubs.
A number of reports assessing bioenergy, broadly and industry specific, have been conducted and will provide a useful context for the roadmap. The NFF also acknowledges this roadmap.
To view the full submission, click here.
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